Our good friend Kevin Little of San Angelo, TX has been putting in a lot of hard working finding kids in his area that want to start skating and get them pairs of skates. He just sent us a huge update with pictures of some of the local skaters.

Skates Kevin has given out around his area.
K2s that were donated to a local named Brett.

Brett in his K2s.
Razors that were donated to a local named Caleb.
Caleb airing the box at his local park in his new skates.
Caleb and his skates.
Jeremy and his Salomons that were given to him by Kevin.
Salomons that Kevin has given out around his area.
Spanky and his new USD's given to him by Kevin.
Donate and Skate wants to give Kevin a HUGE thank you for embodying everything that we stand for, being so passionate about rollerblading, and wanting to give that passion to others. We can't thank you enough!